Direct-Sensing Technologies
The Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) and Electrical Conductivity (EC) can be run as standalone tools or in combination on any direct-sensing tool string. These tools provide high density geologic and hydrogeologic data sets to help define subsurface geologic conditions.
The EC probe works by sending current through the formation between two probe contacts and defines lithology based on bulk grain size measurements.
The HPT probe uses a downhole transducer to measure the pressure response of soil to the injection of water that provides real-time profiles of soil permeability.
Real-Time Data: Direct-sensing data allows for “in-field” decision making.
High Production Rates: Daily production rates >200’ per day.
Flexible: Can be operated out of a variety of vehicles: support trucks, off-road Gator or limited access cart or off the direct-push unit itself.
Proven Technology: HPT is manufactured and supported by Geoprobe Systems.
NO IDW: No soil cuttings, no purge water.

The Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) coupled with the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) is a semi-quantitative screening tool that measures volatile organic compounds (halogen and non-halogen) in the subsurface. It is the industry's best tool for collecting high resolution Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) contaminant and geologic data in real-time!
FID, PID and XSD detectors
20 readings per foot
Readings in saturated and unsaturated media
Heated Trunkline (HTL) and Low-Level (LL) options
Real-Time Data: Direct-sensing data allows for “in-field” decision making.
Flexible: Can be operated out of a variety of vehicles: support trucks, off-road Gator or limited access cart.
Proven Technology: Direct-Sensing technology for detecting VOCs has been used successfully for decades. MIP is manufactured and supported by
Geoprobe Systems.
NO IDW: No soil cuttings, no purge water.

Optical Image Profiler (OIP)

The Optical Image Profiler (OIP & OIP-G) provides a detailed log of induced fluorescence of residual and free-phase NAPLs in the subsurface.
A UV LED (275 nm) source is used on the standard OIP probe and is tuned specifically for hydrocarbon fuels including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, motor, hydraulic and cutting oil.
A green wavelength (520 nm) source is used on the OIP-G probe and is tuned for heavier fuels including creosote, coal tars, and heavy fuels oils.
Real-Time Data: Direct-sensing data allows for “in-field” decision making.
High Production Rates: Daily production rates >200’ per day.
Flexible: Can be operated out of a variety of vehicles: support trucks, off-road Gator or limited access cart or on the direct-push unit itself.
Proven Technology: UV technology for detecting NAPL has been around for decades. OIP is manufactured and supported by Geoprobe Systems.
NO IDW: No soil cuttings, no purge water.