We Are
High Resolution Site Characterization Specialists
S2C2 is a premier direct-sensing and data visualization service firm that focuses on providing High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) support to assist our clients in implementing cost-effective solutions for evaluating complex environmental problems.
At S2C2, we stand committed to excellence in environmental services, setting a benchmark that elevates us above our competition. Our team comprises top environmental specialists and experts who possess a deep understanding of the industry's latest advancements and best practices, enabling us to provide innovative, customized solutions that outpace traditional approaches. We feel that rapid and complete site characterization is the most cost-effective tool in achieving site closure by:
• Decreasing Overall Project Life Cycle;
• Reducing Decision Uncertainty and associated unknown Liability Risk; and
• Reducing Unexpected Remediation Costs
Our Services
S2C2 has the professionals with the depth of experience and the unique specialized training to successfully plan and implement HRSC programs including:
• Direct-Sensing Technologies (i.e., EC, MiHPT, HPT, OiHPT, etc.)
• Advanced 3-Dimensional Data Visualization Capabilities
• Direct-Push Soil and Groundwater Sample Collection